Hui Xu

Dr. Hui Xu is currently Technical Director of Energy Conversion Materials at Giner, Inc., located in Newton, Massachusetts. In his capacity, he manages a group of sixteen scientists and engineers, and oversees components design and system development for a variety of energy technologies including low or high temperature fuel cells, water electrolyzers, CO2 conversion, NH3 production, and high-energy solid-state batteries. He is the principal investigator of multiple projects funded by the Department of Energy, Department of Defense, NASA, Department of Agriculture and industrial partners, worth $25 million. Xu is the receipt of Jose Giner Innovation Award in 2016 for developing high temperature alkaline water electrolysis technology. He was named a "Top Ten Innovator" by Innovation for Cool Earth Forum in 2018 for research on electrochemical ammonia synthesis coupled with renewable energy. Xu is a recognized electrochemical technology innovator and has more than eighteen years of experience in electrode design, electrolyte development and electrochemical interface engineering. He has published nearly forty peer-reviewed papers and filed five patents. He is the executive member of Energy Technology Division (ETD) of the Electrochemical Society (ECS) and has initiated a dozen influential symposia for the ECS.
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