Richard Thibeault

Richard L. Thibeault (1974) is a Principal Investigator for Shipboard Electromagnetic Compatibility Improvement Program (SEMCIP) for all active fleet United States submarines. Thibeault graduated from the University of Connecticut with a bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering. Thibeault developed a “line of defense” concept that coordinates fleet, naval shipyard and EMC engineering personnel in the detection, correction, and prevention of electromagnetic interference (EMI) on submarines. Thibeault also investigated submarine mission degrading EMI problems reported by the fleet and developed corrective actions for them. One such corrective action was awarded a patent. These fixes were institutionalized and are currently installed on submarines. In support of SEMCIP, he developed EMC training courses, web-based fleet EMI awareness training, authored EMI test procedures and preventative maintenance that are currently in use by fleet, shipyard, and EMC engineering personnel.

Thibeault actively participates in Defense Exchange Agreements with the United Kingdom, Netherlands, and Norway to promulgate lessons learned in U.S. EMC technology, to our allies. Thibeault has received the Navy’s Haislmaier Memorial Award and the Naval Undersea Warfare Center (NUWC), Code 34 Sail Award.

Thibeault has worked at NUWC in Rhode Island for 44 years and has had many rewarding assignments above the water, that include work on periscope, radio room, sonar, and sub power systems. He also has had many assignments under the water, as a qualified Navy Diver and member of the NUWC Scientific Dive Team that includes work on hydrophone development, sonar dome repair, and proof of concept work on the Navy’s Wide Aperture Array. He also assisted author Roy Manstan by providing photographs used in his book “Cold Warriors” that documents the Scientific Dive Team.

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