Peter Blume

Peter Blume is the President and founder of Bloomy Controls, Inc., an industry leader in automated test, data acquisition and control systems. Leading the company for more than 22 years, Peter has grown Bloomy from a regional services company to a provider of products and platforms that have helped hundreds of high-tech manufacturers advance products from prototype to production. Peter has created a unique culture for promoting best practices and sharing them throughout industry. He established a comprehensive set of LabVIEW software development guidelines and wrote The LabVIEW Style Book (Prentice Hall,© 2007), setting the standard for LabVIEW programming. Peter contributed the article “Centrifuge DAQ System Reinforces New Orleans Levees,” (EE-Evaluation Engineering, October 2009), describing how geotechnical centrifuge testing performed using Bloomy’s equipment helped the US Army Corps of Engineers improve the design of levees after Hurricane Katrina. His article, “Power Grid Energy Storage Testing” (EE-Evaluation Engineering, November 2012 and January 2013), describes how evolving test standards for battery energy storage systems are helping to transform the power grid. Peter Blume earned his B.S. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Connecticut in 1989. He completed coursework towards a Master of Science degree at UConn.

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